Civilian Generation

The Civilian.js module provides the attribute to generate a character of quality q or with dice modifier m. The syntax is as follows: Civilian.getCharacter(); //generate a completely random character
Civilian.getCharacter(n); //generate a character using dice roll n as the table index;
Civilian.getCharacter(null, m); //generate a random character but add m to the dice roll. null must be the first parameter

Pass in a '*' for n to create a Star character. The module otherwise will generated a character quality at random. The result object has a toString() method to disclose its contents, but these can also be accessed via members as: Civilian.getCharacter().toString(); //disclose the result object
Civilian.getCharacter().quality; //what is the quality of the character
Civilian.getCharacter().rep; //what is the rep of the character
Civilian.getCharacter().weapon; //what is the weapon possessed by the character